Coffee, Tea & Autism

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What is the Autism Society’s Coffee, Tea and Autism Program?

Coffee, Tea and Autism is a new style of support group that will be led by volunteers whose lives have been touched by autism. Sometimes the best support and information comes from others living the same journey…so let’s get connected!

Coffee, Tea and Autism is the Autism Society of Greater Akron’s way of connecting individuals who are experiencing similar issues. The program will be organized by an ASGA trained peer facilitator and meetings will be held in a public place. ASGA will provide training on group facilitation and active listening skills as well as assistance with resources as needed.  Each group will have two trained facilitators.  After that, it is up to each group to decide how they want their group meetings to be structured, when and how often to hold meetings, and the topic of each meeting (if you decide to have a topic at all).

What does a facilitator do?

Facilitators have first-hand knowledge of living the autism journey and will be trained in active listening skills, group dynamics, and sharing resources. Ultimately, it’s about knowing you’re not along on this journey.

Do you have a connection to autism?  Are you interested and willing to be a volunteer leader of a coffee?  Complete the Volunteer Application Form HERE and we will be in touch with you after it has been received.

Be there for others!

  1. The Autism Society of Greater Akron will provide a collaborative training and great resources.
  2. Facilitators are asked to serve for at least one year, if possible. You may sign up again on a year by year basis.
  3. The Autism Society of Greater Akron will market the groups in the newsletter and website to let families know how to contact you. Together you can choose the date, time and place. Please be consistent so families know how to connect with your group.
  4. The Autism Society will provide facilitators with supports for you to contact for assistance.

Share your knowledge and become a Facilitator!

Greater Akron serves Medina, Summit, Stark, Portage and Wayne Counties.