
Advocacy Is Critical

The Autism Society of Ohio (ASO) advocates to improve Ohio’s disability system for a better quality of life for individuals with Autism and their families.  ASO is a coalition of the Ohio affiliates of the Autism Society of America and includes the Autism Societies of Central Ohio, Greater Akron, Greater Cleveland, Dayton, Mahoning Valley, and Northwest Ohio. Together, we cover 100% of the state and thousands of individuals and families living with Autism and other developmental disabilities in our communities.


On July 31st, the Senate HELP Committee also passed the Autism Collaboration, Accountability, Research, Education, and Support (CARES) Act of 2024 (S. 4762) out of committee on a vote of 20-1! The bill will next be considered on the House and Senate floors, likely in early September.

The Autism CARES Act has helped screen, diagnose, and treat Autism more effectively since it started in 2006. S. 4762 incorporates several of the Autism Society’s recommendations, which build on the success of the law, including:

  • increased capacity of the LEND workforce training programs
  • examining how to expand the network of developmental pediatricians
  • providing a research focus on those with complex medical and behavioral support needs
  • increasing access to support those with communication needs, among other improvements

We look forward to the full Senate’s consideration and ultimate passage of this vital legislation, and we remain steadfast in our advocacy for policies that support the Autism community.

Please use the Autism Society of America’s Action Alert Center to message your Members of Congress asking for their support. Together, we can ensure a future where every person with Autism can lead a fulfilling and supported life. Your advocacy can make a difference in the lives of millions.

ASO’s 2024 work includes the following:


Support for Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) Therapy
Letter to Ohio’s legislative Joint Medicaid Oversight Committee calling for a hearing to address a crisis in children’s ability to access ABA therapy due to unaddressed gaps in Ohio’s Medicaid system.  ASO sent a letter of support.

Support for Lauren’s Law
Letter to State Legislators supporting the use of cameras for safety and a new waiver for families to provide services; also makes recommendations for improving the overall system for Home and Community-Based Services.

Support for Mandatory Law Enforcement Training
Letter to Governor DeWine and state legislators after a 19-year-old with Autism died in police custody due to a negative response to misunderstood behaviors.

Support for Creating State-Wide Special Needs Database
House Bill 321 would establish a statewide 911 special needs database, to improve safety outcomes. ASO sent a letter of support.


OPRA letter to Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities
Requests the Department to establish a stakeholder group to collaboratively review and enhance the Quality Assurance Rule or add a date certain in rule by when such a group shall be established.


• SB 176 – This bill is seeking to amend the Ohio Revised Code to allow the continuation of child support past the age of 18 for individuals with disabilities

• HB 427 – This bill seeks to phase out subminimum wage for disabled working individuals.

• SB 213 – This bill seeks to establish supported decision-making as an alternative to guardianship.

Support the Autism Community

Your contribution helps connect children and adults with Autism, as well as their families to the support they need when they need it.