Caregiver Support Group

Caregiver Support Group

These support groups provide an informal forum for discussion and information sharing among parents and caregivers of individuals diagnosed with Autism.

Facilitators are volunteers who have first-hand knowledge of living the Autism journey and have completed their training in active listening skills, group dynamics, maintaining confidentiality, and accessing resources.

Support group

These support groups can…

  • Connect people with similar experiences
  • Provide new resources, ideas, and suggestions
  • Encourage you throughout your journey
  • Celebrate successes no matter how small
  • Let you know you are not alone
  • Allow understanding with no judgment

Sometimes the best support and information will come from others living the same journey.

We also encourage you to join the Facebook Support GroupLET’S GET YOU CONNECTED!

Support Groups Made Possible In Part By Grants From:

Support the Autism Community

Your contribution helps connect children and adults with Autism, as well as their families to the support they need when they need it.