Thank You
Thank You GPD Employees’ Foundation
Parents who enrolled their swimmer in ASGA’s Water Safety Program reported challenges like…
- Swimmer unable to swim at all
- Accommodations needed for swimmer to learn
- Swimmer loves the water but is not safe
- Adapted swim program hard to find and expensive
- Swimmer unable to get to the surface after submersion
- A life vest is preferred by swimmer at all times
After the program, parents reported …
Swimmers were safer around water. Their swimming skills improved, and they had a better understanding of water safety. The one-on-one instruction swimmers received along with accommodations in task presentation and communication increased swimmer’s ability to learn water safety skills.
Thank you for your continued support!

Henry was unable to swim at all and without adaptations to accommodate his developmental delays, learning to swim would not have been possible for Henry. No other program could adapt communication methods to help him learn and build trust with his instructor. Henry now swims across a pool in the deep end, treads water for more than a minute, jumps in, recovers from being underwater, and floats. Henry LOVES swimming and that is so important for a kid who has limited interests. Henry now has a hobby he enjoys and the skills to be safe around water.
Kendra, mom to Henry, age 7

Amazing program! The gains my daughter realized, even in the first 30 minutes, were truly remarkable. The way instructors adapted lessons to the ability of swimmers was paramount in building their confidence. Without trust and confidence, it is challenging to meet success in the water. TY ASGA!
Shelley Melchior, Mom to Holly, Age 11

I tried multiple swim programs, but my son did not learn to swim. He was old enough at this point to age out of most swimming lessons, and I feared for his safety in the water, I had to always be near if he was in or near water.
I am very pleased with Swimming with Autism. My son can now do multiple styles of swimming and has various strategies for endurance. He can even do whole laps in the pool! I am so relieved and he’s very proud of himself.
Melanie, mom to Evan, age 12

Our son is 12 but even younger mentally with his developmental delay. ADHD and Anxiety make it hard for him to take a regular swim class with his “peers”. Adaptive swim programs are not easy to find, and they are very expensive. Before this program, Daine thought safety meant that he must wear his life vest no matter how deep the water. His progress began on day one. He felt very comfortable with his instructor, did was she asked, and was soon swimming with his face in the water with only a reminder to take breaths. After10 weeks, he is jumping in the deep end, flipping to his back, treading water, and swimming across the pool taking his own breaths. We no longer have to worry when he is near water, and we can swim for fun!
Jessica Taylor, mom to Daine, age 12

I knew my son loved being in the water, but I wanted him to learn boundaries and basic swim skills. Just being in the water with his instructor has brought him out of his shell and he has become more verbal. Swimming has become very therapeutic for him and the physical activity improves his balance.
Kate, mom to Liam, age 6

We have tried to teach Drew to swim for years. He went 5 feet and then started to sink. He would bob up and down, taking breaths in between, and then grab onto us. It was a lot of work for all of us! Now he can now tread water, swim around the pool, float on his back, jump off the side into the deep end, go under water and come up for air when ready while looking around in excitement!
I am so proud of him and feel very comfortable knowing he learned the proper skills to handle himself in the water. We cannot express our gratitude enough for this awesome program!
Sasha Blust, mom to Drew, age 7