Dr. Lisa Wiggins, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention


Lisa Wiggins, Ph.D.
Developmental Psychologist
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Dr. Wiggins is a Behavioral Scientist with the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). She is currently deployed as the disabilities unit lead within the CDC Vaccine Task Force. In that role, Dr. Wiggins works with advocates, partners, and jurisdictions to ensure equal COVID-19 vaccination access for people with disabilities. Dr. Wiggins has a Ph.D. in developmental psychology, M.A. in developmental psychology, and M.S. in applied clinical psychology. She has 20 years of experience with developmental assessment and has authored of over 100 publications and presentations. She researches and lectures on a variety of topics, including the surveillance, epidemiology, and early detection of young children with autism spectrum disorder.