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Repeat this Movement 5 Times on Each Leg

Beginner Lizard Runs
Find an empty wall and get arms length away. Take 2 steps back with your feet so that your hands are against the wall and are supporting your weight. Then raise your right knee up to the same level as your hip. Then put your right knee down and switch by raising your left knee.

Intermediate Lizard Runs
Start in push up position with your hands shoulder width apart, back flat and in line with your hips, legs straight and toes tucked under your ankles. Then you are going to take your right leg and bend it so that your knee is close to your chest. Then put the right leg back and bring your left leg up so that your knee is close to your chest. 

Advanced Lizard Runs
Start in push up position just like the intermediate level. The only difference from intermediate is that for this movement you are going to switch from tucking your knees inside towards your chest to outside near your elbow. You will tuck into your chest with your right leg, then into your chest with your left leg, then out to your elbow with your right leg and then out to your elbow with your left leg. Repeat this entire movement 3 times

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