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Repeat this Movement 5 Times

Beginner Donkey Kicks
Start on your hands and knees. Make sure your back is flat. Take your right leg and move it up and out 90-degrees. Bring your right leg back and then take your left leg and move it up and out 90-degrees. Repeat this movement 5 times (10 total but 5 on each leg).

Intermediate Donkey Kicks
Start on your hands and knees. Make sure your back is flat. Take your right leg and move it up and out 90-degrees. Bring your right leg back and then take your left leg and move it up and out 90-degrees. Then take your right leg and extend it back. Then bring it back and take your left leg and extend it back. Repeat this movement 3 times.

Advanced Donkey Kicks
Same exact movement as the intermediate level, just add a resistance band. Repeat movement 3 times.

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