Lisa: A Day in the Life

My Story Lisa

Lisa Thompson, Director of Programs, Autism Society of Greater Akron


As the Director of Programs here at ASGA, I get the pleasure of interacting with families living the autism journey just like me. I am a mom to twin 17-year-old boys with one on the spectrum, so I know some of the challenges families encounter when trying to attend an event. It is important to me that families be able to do things as a whole rather than having to divide and conquer.

My biggest goal when planning inclusive family events, our Swimming with Autism program or our iCan Bike Camp is ensuring that families have a safe, welcoming and judge-free environment. This means making accommodations so individuals with ASD can participate, providing a social story to set expectations and navigation information for parents in advance so they can figure out how to best participate based on their family’s needs.

I love to see our families and their loved ones with smiles on their faces ... knowing they are not alone on this journey!